How to enter a picture into your auction:

It is basically a simple process. All you need to do, really, is enter the URL, the internet address where the image resides, into the entry form. This is like entering a telephone number for the image so that others can call up the image. In this case the auction will call up the image at the address that you enter and display it in your auction. The address of the image must always begin with an http:// and end with either .jpg or .gif.  You can use .art files but remember that not every browser will be able to see .art files. Sorry, HTML formatting codes are not accepted here.

If the above is still unfamiliar territory for you, here is a brief outline of how it works. You can also go to Newbie-U for instructions on how to use FTP for uploading your images to a web space.

  • 1`) The first step is to get the image of your daylily into electronic format. It must be in either jpg or gif format. This can be done through scanning the image on your own scanner, or bringing the film somewhere where the image can be scanned and put on CD or floppy disc (Kinko's does this).

  • 2) The next step is to upload the image on a World Wide Web Location. In other words, you will transfer the image from your computer to a web-Site. Notice that I did not say web-Page. You do not need a web page to host an image, you just need web-space. This transfer is usually done though FTP (File Transfer Protocol) by transferring the image from your computer to the web-Site over the internet. There are several different FTP programs. The particular one that I like is WS_FTP32. If you do not have your own web-Site, you can enclose the image in an email, as an attached file using your standard email program, and send it to a friend who does have a web-Site. He or she can then upload the image to their site for you and give you the address where it will reside.

  • 3) Once the image file resides on a web-Site, then it can be accessed from anywhere because it has an address. All web-Pages that have images in them, call up the image by its address and post it to the web-Page whenever the Page is accessed. A web-Page can only display images that have web-Sites. The only difference in our case is that our images will have a web-Site but will not necessarily be included in a web-Page. Here is an example of an address (URL):
    If you click on this address you will see that it brings up the image of MISS ALOHA in your browser. In this case the image, msaloha.jpg, resides at location

  • 4) If you cannot get the image into electronic format or cannot find a web-Site to place it, there is still hope. There are many Daylily Web pages out there that probably already have the image of the daylily that you want to display in the auction. All you need to do is find a web-Page which has the image of the daylily that you want to auction and use the address for that image. But first you need to get permission from the owner of the web site. Most daylily web page owners would be more than happy to assist you and will give you the specific address that you need. However, they may require that you give them credit in your auction descriptions or even provide a link to their web-site. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material may have legal ramifications. The Lily Auction is only a venue. You are sole responsible for the content of your auctions. Always ask and perhaps suggest giving them credit. By using their image address, you do not have to worry about scanning or FTP. All you have to do is enter the URL into the auction form. Getting the URL of an image that is already on the web is done by first bringing up the image in your browser (I am assuming that you are using a current version if IE or Netscape), then, with your cursor on the image, right click your mouse. A window will pop up displaying the URL of the image. Just type (or copy and paste) that URL into the "Post New Item" form "Image URL" field..

  • 5) Once you have the daylily image address, you can enter the address (URL) into the "Image URL" field of the "Post New Item" form.

Use your browsers back arrow to get back to
the "Post New Item" form

brought to you by the DAYLILY EXCHANGE

® Copyright Michael Longo, 1999 - 2011