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Keithsomers has a feedback rating of 281.
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral and Rebuttal remarks affect neither the rating nor the "positive feedback percentage". If you have received a Negative remark and wish to add a rebuttal remark to your own feedback, please contact the administrator, and provide your username, and your comment (80 characters only). See the summary to the right for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals. Scroll down to read comments left by others for Keithsomers.

Positive feedback percentage: 100.0%

Keithsomers 's Profile   Keithsomers (281) 50-499
Feedback Summary

6 Months
Positive 0 0 104 281 (from 8 unique users)
Neutral 0 0 0 0 (from 0 unique users)
Negative 0 0 0 0 (from 0 unique users)
Total 0 0 104 281 (from 8 unique users)
Keithsomers 's feedback
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for Keithsomers Keithsomers was the Buyer = B
Left by Date Feedback Left Item# S/B
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702262690 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702262840 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702349524 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702349704 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702435159 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702435369 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702608664 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702694258 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702694751 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702780873 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702780961 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702781022 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1702781762 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1703643996 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1703644590 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:11:31 2024 seedsdaylily1703644687 B
Praise:Great support and Fast Pay! So great to work with.
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701053281 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701053522 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701138700 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701139698 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701140430 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701399022 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701399545 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701485630 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701485802 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701485911 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701571886 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701572162 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701657323 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701743754 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1701744727 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1702175611 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1702176066 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1702176207 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1702262278 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Wed Mar 20 14:10:49 2024 seedsdaylily1702262493 B
Praise:An absolute great customer and easy to work with!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702081374 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702081831 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702679472 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702686319 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702687847 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1702758654 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703287970 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703288105 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703291492 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703291696 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703292873 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703361751 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703362091 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703362712 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703892646 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:41 2024 seedsdaylily1703893079 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700268843 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700337093 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700339250 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700339609 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700426804 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700941535 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1700943851 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701204165 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701206213 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701472942 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701473031 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701473323 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701474128 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701476659 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701477280 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701477285 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701548342 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701548351 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701549247 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Tue Jan 9 04:43:19 2024 seedsdaylily1701820661 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1698427423 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1698450161 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1698451335 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699053683 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699056089 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699125423 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699125750 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699126607 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699660611 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699661576 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:03 2023 seedsdaylily1699662185 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1699662737 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1699663109 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700264614 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700264785 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700265120 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700265297 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700266285 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700267310 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Fri Nov 24 08:59:02 2023 seedsdaylily1700268430 B
Praise:Thank you for supporting my auctions again this season. A++buyer.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1698532599 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699043986 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699133065 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699133692 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699135001 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699135651 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699137505 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699220972 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699223391 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699223632 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699223822 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Justsue (1441) 1000-4999 Sun Nov 12 19:53:10 2023 seedsdaylily1699825723 B
Praise:Excellent new customer. Thanks so much for the great bids and speedy payment.
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1693865656 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1693866771 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1693867112 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1693867347 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1693867457 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1694470943 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1694472394 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1695076880 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1695077235 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Sep 18 18:42:52 2023 seedsdaylily1695077480 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1692656138 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1692657748 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693260749 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261007 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261156 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261407 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261516 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261628 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693261773 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693262326 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693262422 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693263064 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693263147 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693263314 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Mon Aug 28 18:59:37 2023 seedsdaylily1693263686 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome Back to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1675993070 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1675993199 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1675993380 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1675993555 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1675993768 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676079561 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676079745 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676079906 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676080479 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676080715 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676080765 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676165728 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676166607 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676166846 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676252048 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:26:32 2023 seedsdaylily1676252895 B
Praise:yardman Easy to work with. Great communication!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675043799 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215417 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215519 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215802 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215829 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215864 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675215871 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675474936 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675475096 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675475279 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675475383 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675647155 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675647468 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675647907 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675648101 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675820546 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675820800 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675820920 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675821255 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:24:05 2023 seedsdaylily1675993057 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674783542 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674783789 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674783956 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674784162 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674784353 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674869661 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870036 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870093 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870104 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870139 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870348 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870594 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870835 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674870949 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1674871888 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1675043035 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1675043054 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1675043314 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1675043387 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Yardman (8584) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 13 18:23:11 2023 seedsdaylily1675043543 B
Praise:yardman Thanks for the great support! Seeds on their way!!!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674331764 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674331986 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674332380 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674426405 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674429512 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674431523 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674431814 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 23 06:48:07 2023 seedsdaylily1674432140 B
Praise:Fast payment. Thanks very much!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671310064 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671838539 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671838577 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671838832 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671839219 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671839808 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedlingsunbl1671839994 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671840226 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:09 2023 seedsdaylily1671840420 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:08 2023 seedsdaylily1671840829 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:12:08 2023 seedsdaylily1671841215 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedlingsunbl1669494026 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1669494098 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1669494130 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670541353 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670628751 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670629473 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670630313 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670630538 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670631449 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670631936 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670632911 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670634580 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670634845 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1670704176 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671234470 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671234997 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671235497 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671235619 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671235641 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 4 07:11:32 2023 seedsdaylily1671237889 B
Praise:Great Buyer. Great communication. Timely payment. Valued customer. Thank you!
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670550481 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670550637 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670550930 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670795907 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670795935 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670796229 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670796236 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670796480 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Ruby (10068) Over 10000 Mon Dec 12 06:07:28 2022 seedsdaylily1670796605 B
Praise:Thank you for your purchase
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21669915457 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21669917151 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21669918445 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670009844 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670010170 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily1670011025 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670012130 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670012611 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670012943 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670013785 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670082245 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670083448 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily1670169800 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670170144 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670260796 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670267465 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Gramps (6278) 5000-9999 Mon Dec 5 20:35:12 2022 seedsdaylily21670285042 B
Praise:very fast pay, great communications, thanks Keith!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 3 20:54:33 2022 seedsdaylily21669928619 B
Praise:Recommended buyer, fast payment and excellent communication.
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 3 20:54:33 2022 seedsdaylily221676063529 B
Praise:Recommended buyer, fast payment and excellent communication.
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 3 20:54:33 2022 seedsdaylily21670097663 B
Praise:Recommended buyer, fast payment and excellent communication.
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 3 20:54:33 2022 seedsdaylily21670097964 B
Praise:Recommended buyer, fast payment and excellent communication.
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1668891283 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417317 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417744 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417825 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417871 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417875 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669417942 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669418293 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669418369 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669418573 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669422144 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669492884 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 1 08:00:29 2022 seedsdaylily1669493515 B
Praise:Super fast payment....always welcome back....A++++
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 24 07:11:54 2022 seedsdaylily1668888755 B
Praise:Thank you , wishing you exciting seedlings!!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 24 07:11:54 2022 seedsdaylily1668889981 B
Praise:Thank you , wishing you exciting seedlings!!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 24 07:11:54 2022 seedsdaylily1668890681 B
Praise:Thank you , wishing you exciting seedlings!!
Cassa (7977) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 24 07:11:54 2022 seedsdaylily1668890715 B
Praise:Thank you , wishing you exciting seedlings!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072063 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072150 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072282 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072567 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072698 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669072822 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669073106 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669073225 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669073717 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!
Stretchman (2100) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 22 04:51:22 2022 seedsdaylily1669073826 B
Praise:AAA +++ Instant Payment, Great Bidder, Welcome to my Auction, Thanks Much !!!

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